Tuesday, August 28, 2007


As Yogi Berra said, you can observe a lot by watching.

On Saturday morning, I spent some time looking around the huge garden at Michele and John's place. There is a lot to see! Many things jump out at a non-gardener right away. But I was amazed at how much I discovered by watching small areas of the garden. There were a couple instances where I was setting up and thinking about how to take a photo and some insect landed right in my shot. By moving more slowly and watching closely, I picked up on a lot of activity around me. It was a lot of fun!

While looking at some pine trees, I noticed some movement on a shrub out of the corner of my eye. This grasshopper very kindly climbed up a branch and perched there nicely, breathing slowly, while I got in position for this shot. Click on the image to go to Flickr to see larger views.



Erika Jean said...

cool pic and CONGRATS. Swing on by.

Parth said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. Excellent photographs :-)

Jen said...

Hey Earl, thanks for dropping by my blog. I've spent some time in Cinci but never lived there. My old boss was from there.

The photographs are lovely. You've got a great eye!

Earl said...

Thanks for all the comments!