Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How to Hack a Cupcake

One of my many quirks is the way I like to eat a slice of apple pie. I eat the filling first -- I use the fork to dig out the filling while leaving the crust shell intact. Once all the filling is gone, I then go back and eat the crust. The residual liquid from the filling is enough flavor for the pie shell. Dianne always gives me a look when I eat apple pie that way. Is that odd?

So I laughed when I read Matt's post at the A Whole Lotta Nothing blog that talks about tackling and solving his cupcake eating problem by pointing to a set of Flickr photos that "hack" a cupcake in order to get good cake and frosting distribution in each bite. I don't have that problem, but I can relate. The hack is a little messy and it kinda spoils the presentation, but it solves the equal distribution issue.

It's comforting to know I'm not the only one with eating quirks.


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