Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Google, Ask, and Blogger Search Results

Dianne had a nice post about blog tracking and the use of MyBlogLog. I get less traffic than she does, but it's still interesting to see where people are coming from. A couple reminded me of posts made long ago that brought back some memories. I was actually surprised to see that people doing a search would actually click on a search result that takes them here. Obviously not very discriminating with their searching. Here are recent searches (Google, Ask, and Blogger) that led people here.

  • hogey carmichael biography who was
Took them here. Probably didn't stay long with my Hogey comments. I did see Lauren Bacall on the Oscars and she looked really good.
  • cincinnati rollergirls
  • blu bayou cincinnati and "blu bayou" cincinnati
  • blu bayou roller derby
  • sadistic sadie
  • 739.27 t213e
A lot of traffic associated with the Rollergirls. The last one took them here. I wonder if they were looking for The Librarian or actually looking for the book.
  • tracking blog traffic
  • creative cubicles
  • clocks that display time floating in air
  • wrist fracture physical therapy
Took them here or maybe here. They probably would have found Dianne's post funny. By the way, my shoulder continues to improve and my range of motion, although not the same as the right side, is fairly close. I feel for anyone dealing with a frozen shoulder.
  • wedding lion dance august 20, 2006
  • earl world
Someone was actually searching for this blog?

And just today I had a hit on this search:
  • where in Hawaii can you find a fountain pen by earl?
It took them here because of this post that has the phrase "...see if you can find us..." and this post that mentions "...a fountain of feet...". They must have thought Google failed them on that search.

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