Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Photos

In between my usual check-up at the doctor this morning (all is well), lunch at Chipotle, and running a couple errands, I stopped to snap some photos.

There is a railroad yard near downtown Sharonville. Sharon Road goes over the tracks and the bridge gives a nice vantage point for watching the tracks. I stopped there and took a few photos. The power lines are an annoying obstruction, but I worked around them in a few shots. You can see the entire set of photos in my Flickr set.

Moving Down the Rails

I also stopped at the Evendale community park. While walking to take a couple flower photos (I thought this one turned out well), I found this seed pod on the ground. I'm the worst at identifying trees, so I'm not sure what tree this is from. It was basically a sphere just a bit bigger than the size of an average acorn. The openings look like a bunch of open bird beaks.

Seed Pod


Anonymous said...

I have a collection of these!! great pic:)

~Carla~ said...

this is the shit you do on your day off? you mean you could have been at work with me when it was SOOO friggin' quiet in there???

Kidding. I'm envious (insert the chipoltle part) you got to do some fun stuff!!

enjoy the rest of your weekend.. :D

jack/andrews said...

Sweet Gum. No fun going barefoot when you have one of these trees in your yard.