Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Personal Bee

I've mentioned that I get most of my news on-line. I visit some sites regularly and read the headlines and click on some of the interesting ones to read the article. I skip over the various sections. In short, I approach using the site like I would an actual physical newspaper.

I also use several RSS feeds and a newsreader (Bloglines) to get general news as well as science and technology news. That's a little more targeted, but I still have to scan through many headlines I'm not interested in to find the gems. It's an improvement that lets me look efficiently at a lot of news sources.

I have a couple breaking news sources in my Twitter group so I get breaking news through instant messaging. That's kind of interesting and sometimes a little annoying. I have to turn it off sometimes.

The other day I stumbled on a new service (or at least new to me) called the Personal Bee. It's trying to be an intelligent filter for the flood of information we're exposed to everyday. Sounds like they're trying a combination of software and human filtering to present news. You can set up your own "beehive" on the service to see things the way you want. I don't have a lot of experience with it. Anyone reading this a user?

How do you read your news on-line?

1 comment:

Miss Notesy said...

I just go to

I wonder what that says about me?